/* About */

I'm Vaskel. (they/them) Or Skylar, I don't mind either of them. I'm a programmer from the United States, studying at college for computer science (there's probably a joke to be made here). I'm a bit of a fruity person (another joke here probably) but enjoy programming. As you can tell, web design is definitely not my passion. Other than programming, I dabble in the occasional video game (though not much anymore).

/* About this site */

As you can probably see, this site is custom made. It's made with NextJS (react) and good ole css. I'm not much of a web designer, but I try my best. For anyone curious, the color scheme is gruvbox material medium (both light and dark). My website is also open source! (don't bully my webdev skills please)

/* Languages */

  • Python (my favorite language)
  • Rust (when I need performance)
  • TS/CSS (React, a bit)

/* Contact */

If you would like to contact me, my socials are on the home page, but there's also some on this page: